1. |
North South University
www.northsouth.edu |
2. |
University of Science & Technology Chittagong
www.ustc.edu.bd |
3. |
Independent University, Bangladesh
www.iub.edu.bd |
4. |
Central Women's University
www.cwu.edu.bd |
5. |
International University of Business Agriculture & Technology
www.iubat.edu |
6. |
International Islamic University Chittagong
www.iiuc.ac.bd |
7. |
Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology
www.aust.edu |
8. |
American International University-Bangladesh
www.aiub.ac.bd |
9. |
East West University
www.ewubd.edu |
10. |
University of Asia Pacific
www.uap-bd.edu |
11. |
Gono Bishwabidyalay
www.gonouniversity.edu.bd |
12. |
The People's University of Bangladesh
* |
www.pub.ac.bd |
13. |
Asian University of Bangladesh
www.aub.ac.bd |
14. |
Dhaka International University
www.diu.ac |
15. |
Manarat International University
www.manarat.ac.bd |
16. |
BRAC University
www.bracu.ac.bd |
17. |
Bangladesh University
www.bu.edu.bd |
18. |
Leading University
www.lus.ac.bd |
19. |
BGC Trust University Bangladesh
www.bgctub.ac.bd |
20. |
Sylhet International University
www.siu.edu.bd |
21. |
University of Development Alternative
www.uoda.edu.bd |
22. |
Premier University
www.puc.ac.bd |
23. |
Southeast University
www.seu.edu.bd |
24. |
Daffodil International University
www.daffodilvarsity.edu.bd |
25. |
Stamford University Bangladesh
www.stamforduniversity.edu.bd |
26. |
State University of Bangladesh (SUB)
https://www.sub.ac.bd |
27. |
City University
www.cityuniversity.ac.bd |
28. |
Prime University
www.primeuniversity.edu.bd |
29. |
Northern University Bangladesh
www.nub.ac.bd |
30. |
Southern University Bangladesh
(1) [শিক্ষা মন্ত্রণালয়ের নির্দেশনা অনুযায়ী তারকা চিহ্ন প্রত্যাহার করা হয়েছে।]
www.southern.edu.bd |
31. |
Green University of Bangladesh
www.green.edu.bd |
32. |
Pundra University of Science & Technology
www.pundrauniversity.edu.bd |
33. |
World University of Bangladesh
www.wub.edu.bd |
34. |
Shanto-Mariam University of Creative Technology
www.smuct.ac.bd |
35. |
The Millennium University
www.themillenniumuniversity.edu.bd |
36. |
Eastern University
www.easternuni.edu.bd |
37. |
Metropolitan University
www.metrouni.edu.bd |
38. |
Uttara University
www.uttarauniversity.edu.bd |
39. |
United International University
www.uiu.ac.bd |
40. |
University of South Asia
www.southasiauni.ac.bd |
41. |
Victoria University of Bangladesh
* |
www.vub.edu.bd |
42. |
Bangladesh University of Business & Technology
www.bubt.ac.bd |
43. |
Presidency University
www.presidency.edu.bd, www.pu.edu.bd |
44. |
University of Information Technology & Sciences
www.uits.edu.bd |
45. |
Primeasia University
www.primeasia.edu.bd |
46. |
Royal University of Dhaka
www.royal.edu.bd |
47. |
University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh
www.ulab.edu.bd |
48. |
Atish Dipankar University of Science & Technology
www.adust.edu.bd |
49. |
Bangladesh Islami University
www.biu.ac.bd |
50. |
ASA University Bangladesh
www.asaub.edu.bd |
51. |
East Delta University
www.eastdelta.edu.bd |
52. |
European University of Bangladesh
www.eub.edu.bd |
53. |
Varendra University
www.vu.edu.bd |
54. |
Hamdard University Bangladesh
www.hamdarduniversity.edu.bd |
55. |
BGMEA University of Fashion & Technology(BUFT)
(2) |
www.buft.edu.bd |
56. |
North East University Bangladesh
www.neub.edu.bd |
57. |
First Capital University of Bangladesh
www.fcub.edu.bd |
58. |
Ishakha International University, Bangladesh
www.ishakha.edu.bd |
59. |
Z.H Sikder University of Science & Technology
www. zhsust.edu.bd |
60. |
Exim Bank Agricultural University, Bangladesh
www.ebaub.edu.bd |
61. |
North Western University
www.nwu.ac.bd |
62. |
Khwaja Yunus Ali University
www.kyau.edu.bd |
63. |
Sonargaon University
www.su.edu.bd |
64. |
Feni University
www.feniuniversity.ac.bd |
65. |
Britannia University
www.britannia.edu.bd |
66. |
Port City International University
www.portcity.edu.bd |
67. |
Bangladesh University of Health Sciences
www.buhs.ac.bd |
68. |
Chittagong Independent University
www.ciu.edu.bd |
69. |
Notre Dame University Bangladesh
www.ndub.edu.bd |
70. |
Times University, Bangladesh
http://www.timesuniversitybd.com |
71. |
North Bengal International University
www.nbiu.edu.bd |
72. |
Fareast International University
www.fiu.edu.bd |
73. |
Rajshahi Science & Technology University (RSTU), Natore
www.rstu.edu.bd |
74. |
Sheikh Fazilatunnesa Mujib University
www.sfmu.ac.bd |
75. |
Cox's Bazar International University
www.cbiu.ac.bd |
76. |
R. P. Shaha University
www.rpsu.ac.bd |
77. |
German University Bangladesh
www.gub.edu.bd |
78. |
Global University Bangladesh
www.globaluniversity.edu.bd |
79. |
CCN University of Science & Technology
www.ccnust.ac.bd |
80. |
Bangladesh Army University of Science and Technology(BAUST), Saidpur
www.baust.edu.bd |
81. |
Bangladesh Army University of Engineering and Technology (BAUET), Qadirabad
www.bauet.ac.bd |
82. |
Bangladesh Army International University of Science & Technology(BAIUST) ,Comilla
www.baiust.ac.bd |
83. |
University of Scholars
www.ius.edu.bd |
84. |
Canadian University of Bangladesh
www.cub.edu.bd |
85. |
N.P.I University of Bangladesh
www.npiub.edu.bd |
86. |
Northern University of Business & Technology, Khulna
www.nubtkhulna.ac.bd |
87. |
Rabindra Maitree University, Kushtia
88. |
University of Creative Technology, Chittagong
www.uctc.edu.bd |
89. |
Central University of Science and Technology
** |
www.cust.edu.bd |
90. |
Tagore University of Creative Arts, Uttara, Dhaka, Bangladesh
www.tuca.edu.bd |
91. |
University of Global Village
www.ugv.edu.bd |
92. |
Rupayan A.K.M Shamsuzzoha University
(Academic programs have not yet started)
93. |
Anwer Khan Modern University
www.akmu.edu.bd |
94. |
ZNRF University of Management Sciences
www.zums.edu.bd |
95. |
Ahsania Mission University of Science and Technology
www.amust.ac.bd |
96. |
Khulna Khan Bahadur Ahsanullah University
www.kkbau.ac.bd |
97. |
Bandarban University
www.bubban.edu.bd |
98. |
Shah Makhdum Management University, Rajshahi
(Academic programs have not yet started)
99. |
Trust University, Barishal
www.trustuniversity.edu.bd |
100. |
International Standard University
www.isu.ac.bd |
101. |
University of Brahmanbaria
www.uob.edu.bd |
102. |
University of Skill Enrichment and Technology
www.uset.ac.bd |
103. |
Microland University of Science and Technology
(Academic Programs have not yet started)
. |
104. |
R.T.M Al-Kabir Technical University
www.rtm-aktu.edu.bd |
105. |
Dr. Momtaz Begum University of Science and Technology (MUST)
www.must.ac.bd |
106. |
Chattogram BGMEA University of Fashion and Technology
www.cbuft.edu.bd |
107. |
Bangladesh Army University of Science and Technology, Khulna
www.baustkhulna.ac.bd |
108. |
Teesta University, Rangpur
www.teestauniversity.ac.bd |
109. |
International Islami University of Science and Technology
www.iiustb.ac.bd |
110. |
Lalon University of Science and Arts
https://lusa.ac.bd |
111. |
Justice Abu Zafar Siddiquie Science and Technology University, Kustia
(Academic Program has not started yet)
. |
112. |
Grameen University
113. |
IBAIS University
*** |
114. |
The University of Comilla
*** (After shut down in 2006, the university has not been given permission to commence academic activities again)
115. |
Queens University
** |
116. |
America Bangladesh University
*** |
. |